443,"解説","瓢箪の子供1","Katana Chenga(letter)"," I did an interview to a certain woman. And a kayamba had been held for her few weeks past. So I wanted to know the course of the disease, how it started, and why a kayamba was held for her. So she told me that immediately after helding their wedding, the woman started to suffer from stomachache. This disease was making her not to get children. So she went to the muganga of mburuga and she was told she should have mwana wa ndonga, then is when she can be able to get a child. So she was given mwana wa ndonga by a female muganga of evil spirits. And if someone is given mwana wa ndonga, a kayamba must be held for the person who is going to be given mwana wa ndonga. So after she had been given mwana wa ndonga, she started to bare her first born child, who was a son. And she did the same to the second child, also to the third child. Fourthy the mwana wa ndonga got broken and she didn't bother to replace another one with a kayamba. So she ignored about mwana wa ndonga. This time she couldn't get a child at all. So when things were running bad to her she started visiting the muganga of mburuga, and she was told mwana wa ndonga is needed. So a fourthy kayamba was held for to be given mwana wa ndonga. At present she is expecting to get a child. An interesting prohibition is about mwana wa ndonga, the woman she will always keep mwana wa ndonga on her bed to lie their all the time. And if the woman she has spent some hours without touching her mwana wa ndonga, the mwana wa ndonga it will cry like real baby. But it doesn't produce noise, only tears which is coming out. Not tears actual but the muhaso or medicine is pouring out by itself. Any person is prohibited not to catch mwana wa ndonga unless if he or she had done not sexual intercourse. But if you have been doing sexual intercourse then you happen to catch mwana wa ndonga, the mwana wa ndonga it will break by itself (undavunzika mwenye). It will break on your hands as soon as you hold it. The evil spirits that mostly possess a woman so that she may have mwana wa ndonga are pungahewa and mulungu. So the time when you are doing research to duruma area you will see woman carrying their babies with mwana wa ndonga. Usually a woman carries a really baby and a baby of mwana wa ndonga if you have notices.", "mwana wa ndonga,出産,不妊,kayamba,mburuga,p'ep'o",1988/2/1 0:00:00
444,"解説","瓢箪の子供2","Katana Chenga(letter)","日本語訳 私はある一人の女性に話を聞いた. 彼女のために数週間前にカヤンバが開かれた.それで私は,彼女の病気がどのように始まったのか,なぜカヤンバが彼女のために開かれたのか知りたく思った. 彼女によると,結婚式直後から彼女は腹痛に悩まされ始めた.この病気がもとで彼女には子供ができなかった.そこで彼女は占い(mburuga)の呪医(muganga)を訪ずれ,呪医から「瓢箪の子供 mwana wa ndonga」が必要であり,それを与えられれば子供ができるだろうと告げられた. そこで彼女は憑依霊の女性呪医から瓢箪の子供を与えられた.瓢箪の子供を与えられるときには,それを与えられる女性に対してカヤンバ(kayamba)が開かれねばならない. 瓢箪の子供を与えられた後,彼女は第一子をもうけた.それは男の子であった.続いて二人目の子供,三人目の子供をもうけた.その後,瓢箪の子供は壊れたが,カヤンバを開いて代わりの瓢箪の子供に取りかえようとはしなかった.つまり彼女は瓢箪の子供を蔑ろにしたのである.彼女には全く子供ができなくなってしまった.事態が彼女にとって悪くなってきたので,彼女は再び占いの呪医を訪れた.そして瓢箪の子供が必要であると告げられた.再び彼女に瓢箪の子供を与えるためのカヤンバが開かれた.そして今,彼女は子供が生れるだろうと心待ちにしている. 瓢箪の子供について興味深い規則がある.それを与えられた女性は,瓢箪の子供をつねに彼女のベッドのところに置いておかねばならない.もし彼女が何時間も瓢箪の子供に触れないでいると,瓢箪の子供は実際の赤ん坊のように泣き出す.しかしそれは声を立てる訳ではない.ただ涙を流すだけである.涙といっても実際の涙ではなく,瓢箪の中の呪薬(muhaso)がひとりでに溢れ出すのである. 人は、もしその前に性交渉をもったなら、誰も瓢箪の子供に触れてはならない。もしお前が性交渉をもち、たまたま瓢箪の子供に触れてしまうと、それはひとりでに壊れる(undavunzika mwenye).お前がそれを手にした途端に,それは手のなかで壊れてしまう. 女性に憑依して,瓢箪の子供を彼女が持つようにさせる憑依霊にはプンガヘワ(pungahewa)やムルング(mulungu)がある.今度君が調査に来たときには,自分の赤ん坊と同時に瓢箪の子供を抱いている女性を目にするかもしれない.普通、女性は実際の赤ん坊と瓢箪の子供を連れている.もし君が注意して見れば.","p'ep'o,mwana wa ndonga,性,破壊,涙,世話,pungahewa,mulungu",1988/2/1 0:00:00